Warwick Senior High School July 8th 2023 11:30 a.m.
Warwick Senior High School July 8th 2023 11:30 a.m.
Welcome back to all our member archers and guests for 2018. We look forward to catching up with everyone in what should be an exciting year for the club. Club competitions and beginner’s courses have been posted on the calendar so check it out!
Attached is a copy of some tips for different sighting methods you can use when shooting Clout. Thanks to Scott Seymour for providing this information! I’ve also attached a bit of information from the AA website about Clout archery. Our club is hosting the State Clout next month so it would be great to have […]
[From the Archery Australia Constitution] 11.1 Clout Archery Rounds 11.1.1 A Clout Archery Round comprises six ends of six arrows (36 arrows). A Double Round consists of two separate rounds with the scores added together for final results. Schedule 12A Clout Archery Distances Rounds of 36 arrows are recognised at the following distances: • 180 […]
From Archery Australia: Partition Following the appointment of a new President of the International Commonwealth Games Association, HRH Prince Imran of Malaysia, attempts are being made to put pressure on the International Commonwealth Games Association to include Archery into all future Commonwealth Games. In the past the International Commonwealth Games Association have rejected submissions from […]
Archer’s of Greenwood is moving to scoring with Archer’s diary. To register for an event go to the Event Registration page, choose Australia, Archery WA and then Archers of Greenwood from the drop-down lists. Please note that you will still need to register via the website until the committee become familiar with the diary and it […]
Arrows 90 70 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 18 15 FITA 90m 1440 144 36■ 36■ 36□ 36□ FITA 70m 1440 144 36■ 36■ 36□ 36□ FITA 60m 1440 144 36■ 36■ 36□ 36□ Intermediate 144 36■ 36■ 36□ 36□ Horsham 144 36■ 36■ 36□ 36□ Short Horsham 144 36■ 36■ […]
Thank you to everyone who helped out with the busy bee yesterday morning. Many hands make light work and as such most of the jobs were done before some of us even got ourselves to the grounds! Your efforts are greatly appreciated. A special thank you to Rob McLeod for all the work you put […]
We’ve had a couple of external shoots over the last few weeks and the results are in. Congratulations to the following Archers of Greenwood members: State & National Indoor (18th & 19th August) Daniel D. [Male, Intermediate, Recurve]: 1st State & 1st Nationals Joanna M. [Female, Cadet, Compound]: 1st State & 4th Nationals Brandon M. [Male, Junior, […]
Please note that the club shoot is a week earlier this round, due to the Ashes. 2 Consecutive distances at 48 arrows each (ie. 50 m and 40m) – 5 zone scoring (Gold=9, Red=7, Blue=5, Black=3 and White=1) REGISTER HERE
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